
Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 Year in Review

The beginning of 2015 was the same as the beginning of 2016, nothing special. The year has been a roller coaster of emotional ups and downs. In the beginning of the year I thought maybe I would be able to have a chance to get back to school. That didn't happen. Yes, I wanted to go back to school for costume design, and it just didn't happen. It's still there, in the back of my mind as something that should happen, but right now isn't exactly the best time either.

I had a chance to have space at a game shop for all my sewing things, but that kind of fell apart as well. We wont discuss the fight I'm still fighting to get my stuff back.

Life changed a little when a friend of mine came to live with me in my little hotel room. Things got less private and even closer together. There were fights about who was doing the dishes, who was cooking and why the HELL would you ruin ramen by adding a slice of cheese? Many nights were spent watching him play Skyrim, and even I started to play a little Skyrim to ease the incessant boredom. Having a job like the one I had, you don't really get to go anywhere. You have to be on property 12 hours a night, four days out of the week, then 36 hours Saturday to Monday morning. Sure, there is lots of time in there to do things, but no space. Yes I could leave the property, but it never ceased to amaze me that the moment I left, there would be something that pulled me back. It was like Murphy would intentionally screw with me. The moment I got to the store, the phone would ring. The moment I sat down for dinner with friends, the phone rang. I lost any freedom I had gained when I no longer had to take care of my mother.

The summer came and went like a flash flood. Sarah was starting a new school and she was excited. Then the trip of trips was happening and there was a flight to California to see where I had started. I was rejuvenated and reinvigorated by the trip. Even with the looming notion that I wasn't going to have a job the minute I got back, I was determined to have a good time. I did have a wonderful adventure with my daughter. We saw things we had never seen. We got back and we had to move.

The kindness of my loved ones got me to a place where Sarah and I can be happy and free for the moment. Sarah has an interview next week and I have a call back interview next week. Her's will be a small little job that will make her a little money to fun her many, many Con trips later this year. If all goes well, I will have a job that will pay me a decent wage for the first time in my life. It isn't quite a living wage, but it is a start in the right direction.

I don't have any "resolutions" for the new year, I have goals. They are simple and they are few.

  1. Get a good paying job.
  2. Get a Car.
  3. Stand on my own two feet and walk with pride, when it comes to pass that I can tell my current land lord that I'm moving out.
  4. Be able to tell my mother - Look Mom... I'm doing it on my own. You don't control me anymore.

Like I said, not really resolutions... Goals.

See you in the future as I continue the daily struggles of a regular person, just trying to make it through.

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